The Highest Tide

“If you watched the bay often enough, you eventually saw the inexplicable. I once saw a healthy eagle with five-foot wingspan dive for fish and never resurface. I saw a winter duck—a red-breasted merganser—ride on the head of a seal for a full minute. I watched a snapping shrimp swing a claw at a sculpin twice its size and knock it unconscious. And more than once I watched surface water bulge and ripple, as if pushed by whales, yet with nothing behind or beneath it, with the water so clear and empty I could see the bottom. It took me a long time to learn to keep such moments to myself.” – The Highest Tide by Jim Lynch

The Highest tide is an enchanting coming-of-age story drenched in iconic imagery of the moist, mysterious backwater bays of Olympia. Rachael Carson is a like a goddess running rampant through the head of the young protagonist, Miles, who’s obsessive search for a giant squid is akin to a religion for him. He spends his days and nights in his kayak searching for uncommon marine life until one day he finds something. Something dying.

Everything in Miles’ life is dying. His parent marriage, the waterways he calls home, the eccentric old neighbor and with all of this – his childhood. Into this esoteric world, the author weaves strands of the ordinary, of boyhood curiosity, girl crushes and camaraderie that charms the life of thirteen year-old’s.

A short book and a lovely read for a rainy afternoon.

Fried Calamari

  • 3 cups vegetable oil
  • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 12 squid, cleaned and sliced into rings
  • 1 lemon – cut into wedges, for garnish
Preheat oil in a heavy, deep frying pan or pot. Oil should be heated to 365 degrees F (180 degrees C).
In a medium size mixing bowl mix together flour, salt, oregano and black pepper. Dredge squid through flour and spice mixture.
Place squid in oil for 2 to 3 minutes or until light brown. Beware of overcooking, squid will be tough if overcooked. Dry squid on paper towels. Serve with wedges of lemon.
“Strangers, he remembered, can tell you how old you are without trying. The looks you get or don’t get let you know exactly where you’re at, where you’re headed and where you can never go again.” ― Jim Lynch